Do you ever feel like you want to make a difference in your community, but you’re not sure where to start? Whether you’re new to the area or you’ve lived here your whole life, there are countless ways to get involved and give back. Dream of Detroit is dedicated to revitalizing our neighborhood through affordable housing, economic development, and community-building initiatives. And the best part? We rely on the help of volunteers like you to make it all happen.
Another great way to get involved with Dream of Detroit is through our community-building initiatives. We are dedicated to creating a sense of community and connection in the neighborhood we serve, and we offer a wide range of events and programs to bring people together. From the DREAM Street Fair, block club parties and movie nights to art exhibitions and installations, workshops, and book club, there’s always something going on. And of course, we rely on volunteers like you to help make it all happen.
Our Ask
Be active at large scale volunteer events like the Street Fair, cleanup days, planting days, etc. Be available for individual service opportunities like staffing events, driving speakers, entering data, etc. Be ready when we call out for volunteers on Whatsapp or email!
Blend in with the crew, Get your DREAMerch here!
Copyright 2024 @ DREAM OF DETROIT | Detroit Revival Engaging American Muslims | Tax ID# 46-4246696