
DREAM’s involvement in the Coalition to End Unconstitutional Tax Foreclosures represents some of our most important work. With the help of the Almighty and so many of you, we’ve rehabbed 10 homes in our neighborhood. But, unfortunately, we know that without helping to solve the root causes of Detroit’s neighborhood decline, our work will have a limited impact.

Shamefully, Detroit residents were robbed of $600M over the course of a decade after the Great Recession according to new reporting. By overassessing the value of people’s homes, city administrators overtaxed residents and drove thousands who couldn’t pay the inflated costs into foreclosures. Many of those homes then decayed beyond repair—leaving blighted and dangerous structures throughout the city—or were sold to investors who have shown little commitment to the city or its people.

In the last 10 days, this problem has gotten renewed attention in local media after a groundbreaking radio segment and a special report from The Detroit NewsCheck out the segments below to learn more about the extent of this problem.

If you want to get involved in our efforts with the Coalition, please email organizing@dreamofdetroit.org.

As Bernadette Atuahene, leader of the Coalition, said to The Detroit News, “There is no oops. We need compensation.”

Peace & Blessings,

The Dream of Detroit Team

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"The true life that God wants for all people—not one people—their true life is a life of cooperation… community life!"
- Imam W.D. Mohammed