
The month of May is Motor City Makeover—all over the city of Detroit, volunteers are gathering to clean up their neighborhoods and the surrounding areas.

On May 22, DREAM is hosting a Neighborhood Clean Up Day and we hope you can come out and join us.

We’ll be cleaning up the blocks between Davison and Glendale, and the Lodge to 14th Street. Together, we’ll:

  1. Pick up every piece of loose garbage we can find
  2. Cut down the grass, weeds (and even full-grown trees) in every overgrown lot
  3. Board up anymore (or new) unsecured buildings
  4. Haul off garbage and debris
  5. Update our inventory of available homes so more families can start moving in

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"The true life that God wants for all people—not one people—their true life is a life of cooperation… community life!"
- Imam W.D. Mohammed