
Join Us for an Engaging Book Club

The Book Club is back! We’re thrilled to announce that our next book is Isabel Wilkerson’s New York Times bestseller Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. This compelling work offers a deep dive into the unspoken caste system that has shaped America and its history.

Engaging Book Club

Now we’re excited to start a two-part book club to dig in. Can you join us on July 17 for our first book club meeting at 7pm at Kitab Cafe in Midtown?

Engaging Book Club


Event Details

Date & Time: July 10: Parts 1-4 | July 31: Parts 5-7

Both sessions will be held from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Location: Kitab Café, 422 W Willis St, Detroit, MI 48201

We’re offering a special incentive: the first 20 members to sign up will receive a free copy of the book (or audiobook!) and a pen.

Register today so we know you’ll be in the conversation with us.

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"The true life that God wants for all people—not one people—their true life is a life of cooperation… community life!"
- Imam W.D. Mohammed