
Eid Mubarak! Our heartfelt greetings and best wishes to you and your loved ones in these blessed days.

The essence of Eid al Adha is sacrifice, illustrated by the story of Abraham. The holiday itself, known as the Day of Sacrifice, holds profound significance in our tradition and offers us an opportunity to reflect on the virtues of sacrifice and faith at the heart of our community work. At Dream of Detroit, the core of our work is striving to ensure a basic human right like attainable housing, and an unwavering sense of commitment and sacrifice for our community and our neighbors. As a faith-inspired organization, we consider these to be prophetic injunctions.

In April, DREAM’s Black Religion Summit united folks from the Abrahamic and other faith traditions for powerful conversations about community, sacrifice, and liberation.

On this blessed day, let us renew our commitment to sacrificing for the sake of people having thriving, resilient communities.

P.S. Please join us in supporting Historic Masjid Wali Muhammad and their 65th Anniversary Celebration, featuring a legendary community-builder and neighborhood-transformer, Imam Siraj Wahaj.

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"The true life that God wants for all people—not one people—their true life is a life of cooperation… community life!"
- Imam W.D. Mohammed